Only the best for you

Your body deserves the best nutrition and attention to thrive and develop into the best version of who you can be.

Personal Training

We offer one on one and small group training as well as programming only.


Holistic, organic nutrition with live enzymes to accelerate your transformation and energy.


Support from family and friends empowers your success.

Physical Health

The first ingredient towards a successful transition to a healthier you is to move at least 30 minutes 5 times a week. Most of us need accountability or encouragement to accomplish this.

Nutritional Health

The next step for success is to fill your body with massive amounts of nutrient dense food. I can show you shortcuts and time saving techniques to make this easy.

Emotional Well-being

Being part of a community of like minded individuals who have similar goals is essential for a successful transition into a new, healthier lifestyle. Being able to give your worries to God is imperative to maintain a stress-free mindset.

Bring Joy to your life!

Eat nutritious food and move your body daily to get energy, health, and immunity!

Now, more than ever, we all need the best defense system to remain healthy. Our best defense is to optimize your immune system through nutrient dense foods, regular exercise, and managing stress properly.


Personal Training, Group Fitness, & Nutrition

Dr. Catie’s Magnesium

Magnesium is a highly absorbable and bioavailable Magnesium product that is made entirely out of organic whole plant foods! Did you know that Magnesium is present in over three hundred chemical reactions in the human body? It promotes a natural calming effect, strong bones, proper nerve and muscle function, good circulation, fights depression and can even be helpful during menstruation. …

Progressive Core Series

Get a strong core through these 3 thoughtfully developed workouts! Progress safely to a strong core without hurting your lower back!

10 – 10 Minute Workouts

10 Uniquely different and fun 10-minute workouts to help you to fit strength training or cardio into your busy schedule!

Full Body HIFT, Bodyweight I, Bodyweight II & Strength, Upper Bod, Lower Bod, Core, Plank Medley & Core II, Cardio/Strength Intervals, Cardio, and AMRAP Party Progression, as well as separate Warmup and Cool down videos, AND 1 bonus video!! What a …

Dr. Catie’s Vital Flow Essentials Green Superfood

Vital Flow Essentials is filled with potent green superfoods, deep sea vegetables and algae, medicinal mushrooms and mineral rich herbs that will give your body the nutrition it needs!

Dr. Catie’s Magtabolize

Magnesium from whole plant food sources is essential for many people who have deficiencies. Doc Catie’s Magtabolize Includes foods rich in both Magnesium & Iodine and is made with organic herbs. 

Ultimate Upper Body Workout Series

Shape your arms, back & shoulders through this progressive 4-week workout series designed to help you feel confident in anything you wear!

Dump Your Rump 4-week series (8 total workouts)

Shape your booty and legs through this progressive 4-week workout series designed to enable you to hold a squat for up to 1 minute!

Personal Training 8 sessions

One-on-one personal training specifically designed with your goals in mind. Achieve your dream body with direction and motivation from an ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

Full Body Workout Blast 4-week series (12 workouts)

Get access to all of the Outdoor Blast Group workouts from the 4 week session to do on your own schedule in your own home.

Dr. Catie’s Vitamin C Plus

This delicious whole food derived source of vitamin C provides health benefits that are unparalleled since it is not chemically processed and only comes from the highest organic vitamin C fruits and vegetables.

Dr. Catie’s Tropical Digest

Whole plant food digestive tonic. Promotes proper digestion of food and the growth of healthy gut flora. Helps support the anti-inflammatory response. Helps boost metabolism, promoting weight loss.

Dr. Catie’s B-Complex B1 – B17 powder

Gain vibrant energy from this excellent quality B-complex powder. Get a natural lift in your energy from vitamins from a wholefood source!

Dr. Catie’s Pure Lean Protein

Dr. Catie’s Pure Body Lean Protein – Vegan, gluten-free, metabolic nutrition designed to cleanse and heal your body, as well as heal and repair tissue.

Personal Training

One-on-one personal training specifically designed with your goals in mind. Achieve your dream body with direction and motivation from an ACE Certified Personal Trainer.

Meet Your Trainer

ACE Approved Personal Trainer
Kathie Farrell

Kathie Farrell


I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with a mission to empower others to be their own health and fitness advocate. Through guidance and encouragement from me, you will begin to feel more vibrant and energetic then ever before.


Find encouragement here!


Lost 50 pounds!

Six years ago, I was 50 pounds heavier, out of shape, and on the verge of finding out I had hyperlipidemia. I needed to take drastic action to change my lifestyle to reverse this condition so that I would not have to take medication. Through exercise and nutritional changes, I lowered my cholesterol 50 points in six months! My goal was health oriented, but the beautiful side effect was weight loss and higher energy!



Gained Strength, Mobility & Energy

"Kathie has helped me learn how to exercise with proper form and intensity in a way that is challenging, yet suitable for my ability. She has a wealth of expertise for every question I ask. Kathie is a great encourager and continues to guide me to the next level of fitness. I highly recommend her as a personal trainer!"



Increased Strength - Lower Body Fat

"My husband sees how toned I look and how much stronger my arms are! I am getting rid of the bat wings! Kathie puts a lot of thought into my workouts. She makes sure that my weak areas get stronger and the plan is specific to my style and meets my goals! We are so blessed to have each other in our lives!"

Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness

Move your body and feed it what it needs to thrive!

Reversing Diabetes I & II

This is exciting news for both Diabetes Type I & II patients, but I will also uncover a disturbing Trifecta of disease connection due to treating artificially lowered markers. We have known that diabetes Type Read more…

Veggie Lasagna

Are you trying to minimize inflammation triggers in your nutrition but maintain awesome flavor and texture? This is a recipe for you to try! By using roasted eggplant for your noodles, goat cheese and veggie Read more…

Reach out!

Contact me for a free one on one consultation!


Indian Trails Park

10313 Aboite Center Rd.

Fort Wayne, Indiana

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