Even though we spend up to 25% of our income on healthcare, many people are living shorter lives and poorer quality of life. Because of this realization, more and more people are looking for a way to take charge of their health, get off medications, and reduce their risk of getting chronic disease or reverse their disease naturally.
These are resources that I have followed and trusted for many years. You have to educate yourself and see if it makes sense for you. Much of this information is being suppressed and will not come up in a general google search and most of these names will only have negative information attached to them if you do a search. This heavy censorship started many years ago, but ramped up exponentially in 2019.
My initial interest was curiosity and as I began to dive into the information, I realized that this way of living made more sense to me as a way to prevent disease from developing. Later, my interest was more personal when I was diagnosed with High Cholesterol and reversed it on my own with exercise and nutrition changes. Then my mom was diagnosed with cancer a few years later. I desperately tried to encourage my mom to adopt some of these life style changes to see if we could reverse the disease. Unfortunately, she thought chemo and radiation were the only answer. And she didn’t want to completely change the way she ate because she wanted to live her last years the way she chose. I respected her decision, but I can’t help but wonder if we could have had more time together.
God gave us a body that is designed to heal if we give it what it needs: Nutritious whole foods, movement/exercise, good quality sleep, and little to minimal stress internalized. Think of your body as a garden and start cleaning out the weeds by making changes at the pace that you can make it a new lifestyle and you can reverse almost any chronic illness. If you need any help navigating these changes or have questions of any kind, I will be happy to help in any way I can.
Ultimately you know your body better than anyone. Just know that there are alternative treatment options and lifestyle changes available that can help get you healed. Cancer and chronic disease doesn’t have to be so scary if you know there is hope. There is also empowerment in taking charge of your healing. You don’t have to feel helpless. Take your time and do your research before you decide on a treatment plan. Don’t let anyone rush you into something you are not ready for. Trust your instincts!
The Truth About Cancer | The Latest Cancer Fighting News
Cancer 101 | Causes and Solutions (thetruthaboutcancer.com)
The Truth About Cancer | Ty and Charlene Bollinger | Learn True Health
10 Natural Cancer Treatments to Consider – Dr. Axe (draxe.com)
Mercola.com – #1 Natural Health Website (You can sign up for the daily email for free articles or join the censored library for the ability to search articles)
Chris Beat Cancer – A resource for healing cancer holistically by Chris Wark.
Natural Healing. Simple Living. – AntiCancerMom
Eating You Alive (Documentary) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Our Videos – Advanced Gerson Therapy Clinic (gersonclinic.com)
Goodbye Lupus | Goodbye Autoimmune | Brooke Goldner, M.D. | Home of the Hyper-nourishment Protocol For Rapid Recovery (This is more focused on lupus and autoimmune diseases in general, but cancer is also an autoimmune disease, so I believe her nutrition plan is super valuable because it heals at the cellular level and smoothies make it easy!)
Smart Nutrition, Superior Health. | DrFuhrman.com
Join the Food Revolution: Science-Based Nutrition for Life
Most of these resources have a couple of things in common in regards to what will help the body heal: Eat tons of vegetables (especially cruciferous & raw for the most nutrients), eliminate meat & dairy (the Most inflammatory foods!), drink lots of water (aim for 96 oz per day), eliminate processed foods, sugars and bad oils (try to use flaxseed oil only for high omega 3 content & get the rest from avocados and olives – real food!), move your body – don’t be sedentary, get good sleep and reduce stress through mindfulness or pray. Remember, exercise also reduces stress and raises endorphins!
A simple way to get started is to add a daily green smoothie or a nice big salad. Make one change at a time so that you are not overwhelmed and so that you can stick to it for life!
The Big Picture is simple if you look at it like this. Your cells need real, whole, nourishing food in order to function. The membrane of your cells needs Omega 3’s (flax & chia seeds are the best source) in order to bring the nutrients into the cells. Your body needs enough water in order to function properly. If your body is overloaded with toxins, inflammatory and processed foods, it is so busy trying to get rid of these things that it can’t heal, let alone function properly. The good news is, as soon as you begin to nourish your body, it will begin to heal. It took a long time for it to get to this state, so it will take time to heal. Be patient and positive!
Blessings for Better Health,
Kathie Farrell