Low-carb, gluten-free

I was tired of paying $11 a loaf for this bread, so I attempted to make my own with a couple of variations. I think it actually turned out tastier and with a better texture! Tell me what you think if you try this recipe! I love to have this bread toasted with mashed avocado and radish sprouts. What is your favorite way to enjoy low carb toast?

photo credit: Ola Mishchenko – Unsplash


1 ½c almond flour

¼c coconut flour

1/2c flaxseed meal

1/4c arrowroot flour

¼c psyllium husk powder

¾c almond butter

1/4c coconut oil

6 eggs

3 tsp apple cider vinegar

3 tsp baking soda

Dash of salt

Splash of vanilla extract


  • Melt almond butter and coconut oil together over low heat
  • Blend almond butter and coconut oil mixture with eggs until smooth
  • Add all of the dry ingredients and apple cider vinegar. Blend all together. If a bit thick, add water as needed. Texture should be like thick, cooked oatmeal. Pour into loaf pan lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-35 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Makes 20 slices with 2.5g net carbs per slice.



Nancy · November 11, 2023 at 8:36 pm

We loved trying this recipe. Thank you for sharing. Is it possible to see pics of what your dough and finished loaf looked like? I added 1/4c water…but the dough still didn’t look like thick cooked oatmeal? Thanks again for sharing!

    kathie60 · November 11, 2023 at 11:23 pm

    Hi Nancy,
    I am so glad you tried this recipe! Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the dough, but the finished product is the top picture with the loaf on the parchment paper. I was thrilled that it turned out so good! I would recommend adding just a couple of teaspoons of water at a time to reach the desired consistency instead of 1/4 cup all at once. I am sorry if my directions weren’t clear, but I do hope that you enjoyed the way your bread tasted!

Samantha Kennedy · February 5, 2024 at 4:36 pm

I’m very excited to try this however you included a few ingredients that aren’t in the OG: coconut flour and coconut oil. I also noticed that your ratio of almond flour to the flax, arrowroot and psyllium flours is higher than the order they are listed in the ingredients on the OG Base Culture keto bread. They also list water as the first ingredient so I would assume there is more of that than the almond butter. Did you play around with trying it using their ratios and find it too wet to work with? Is that why you added coconut flour? I’m only asking out of curiosity as I am about to attempt to recreate it as well.

    kathie60 · February 5, 2024 at 10:56 pm

    Hi Samantha,
    I used my best judgement from baking other recipes, and I have found that this particular combination of almond to coconut flour ratio works well. The coconut flour does help to absorb the liquid and give it a nice sweetness. This was my first attempt and I was thrilled that the consistency worked! Good luck! Let me know how yours turns out and if you change anything!

      Tammy · February 10, 2024 at 6:22 pm

      What would you recommend to use in place of coconut flour

        kathie60 · February 13, 2024 at 3:55 pm

        You could use more almond flour instead, if you wish. I don’t find a sweet taste at all with that small amount of coconut flour. The best ratio of low carb flour to all purpose flour is 3:1 almond to coconut flour and the ratio I used is half of that at 6:1. If you use almond flour, you should use 1/2 cup vs the 1/4 cup and you may need to reduce your liquid as the almond flour does not absorb as much liquid as the coconut flour. I would reduce the eggs by 1 as well. Let me know how that turns out!

Elizabeth · March 23, 2024 at 8:34 pm

Tried this recipe today! I didn’t add any water or vanilla extract. The toothpick kept coming out dirty so I baked it longer and ended up turning the heat to 400, I baked it ~12 extra minutes. It’s delicious, tastes almost exactly like Base Culture! Next time I might try baking at a higher temp, and adding more water. This bread is denser than BC, so I might try to replicate the ingredient order/amounts more… thank you for this wonderful recipe! It will definitely be a staple in my paleo diet.

    kathie60 · March 25, 2024 at 7:29 pm

    You are so welcome! I am glad you are enjoying it! It is always good to make the recipe your own by making those little tweaks!

Hannah · March 25, 2024 at 1:40 am

LOVE! I’ve made this twice with all ingredients as listed. I do have a trick with the psyllium powder, as it can be nasty to work with. I put the powder in a shaker cup with the metal mixing ball, fill with cold water and shake until smooth. I then add it to the mixture in the stand mixer. Perfect! I enjoy this bread toasted- plain, buttered, goat cheese. Awesome!

    kathie60 · March 25, 2024 at 7:32 pm

    Thank you for your little trick with the psyllium powder. I did not experience any trouble, but that is good to know! Thank you sharing how you enjoy your BC bread – that makes me want some right now!

Joan Gee · May 15, 2024 at 6:38 pm

Is there a substitute for arrowroot flour? I am so anxious to try out this recipe but do not have arrowroot flour.

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